Investment in skills
Medium Schemes
The investments made by Local Highway Authorities in projects delivered through the Medium Schemes Framework, provides the opportunity for the Framework Community Board to work with the MHA Skills Community, Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)and Institution of Civil Engineers Training Ltd (ICE) to address the looming skills gap in our industry as the demand for infrastructure projects increases.
All Framework contractors have committed to delivering an Employment and Skills Plan (ESP) for every project. The ESP aims to bring new people into the industry by increasing the awareness of careers in the industry and creating local jobs. The ESP sets targets for increased training particularly across the supply chain by offering support from Framework contractors and the CITB to apprenticeships and training. A simple process map has been produced to guide you through the development and operation of an ESP.
The MHA has subsidised a programme of learning training and development opportunities, which has been commissioned by ICE Training. MHA learning events have been created specifically with content to support delivery of the NEC 4 contract, and project sponsor role.
See what participants attending MHA+ events said about:
NEC 4: ECC Stage 1 Managing ECI; Communications, Incentives, Early Warnings and Early Programme
NEC 4: Stage 2 Subcontracting, Compensation events and Payment
We also have online learning to ensure that you have covered some initial information and knowledge about NEC 4: engineering and construction contract – this includes webinars and initial introduction to learning – you can assess your self at the end of this to ascertain your level of understanding.
See what participants completing MHA+ online learning said about completing the:
NEC 4: Introduction to the Engineering Construction Contract
Workforce development opportunities commissioned by the MHA continue – members were provided with the event(s) to become an accredited NEC4: Project Manager.
Working with Virtual College and sector partners, a range of blended learning, training and development opportunities is available – as well as resources to support continuous professional development. Workforce development is commissioned to meet the competencies as outlined in the Midlands Highway Alliance Framework – this can be download here
For MHA members, framework contractors and their supply chain:
go to and click on the Register button as a New User (some of the text on this page is a work in progress as we develop the functions of the lms)
You will be asked to provide details and a password to begin your registration onto the MHA+ lms – and receive your login details.
This will be your learner account. You will receive an e:mail confirmation with your learner account details. You can then access the MHA+ lms
Guidance on how to access the learning and development gateway is available in the Learning Management System user guide. You can download a copy here.