
Medium Schemes

Following the success of the first Medium Schemes Framework (MSF 1), the MHA recognises that a partnership culture, at both an operational and strategic level, offers significant benefits for all parties, particularly in a long-term contractual relationship. It will, therefore, strive to develop collaborative relationships with its partner contractors under the MSF 2 which are:

  • friendly but business-likeS17_9004
  • proactive rather than reactive
  • interdependent
  • flexible, where all parties are prepared to change
  • respectful of differences
  • fair, open and honest
  • risk is appropriately proportioned

The whole ethos of this framework is to achieve efficient methods by working collaboratively. It is the expectation that all parties, clients and contractors alike, will share experiences and innovation for the mutual benefit of all the framework community. Continuous improvements have been documented in a number of case studies that are available here.

We are working together to consistently deliver a high quality product for all our members. The MSF 2 Quality Charter clearly demonstrates this commitment and is available to download below.

Signed Quality Charter