A useful one day training course on CDM 2015, focussing on the roles and responsibilities of both the principal designer and the designer under the new regulations.
The programme aligns with the 2015 regulations and considers the process of managing and co-ordinating health and safety in design. Delegates are offered guidance on:
· The communication process
· Collaborative team-based risk management
· Change management
· Accident prevention strategies
· Enrich your knowledge of the principles of CDM
· Be able to identify the links between CDM and current UK health and safety
legislation (including risk assessment and the general principles of
· Implement the role of the principal designer and designer under CDM
· Implement the process of managing and co-ordinating health and safety in
design, including the communication process; collaborative team-based risk management; change management and the impact of design on accident prevention strategies
· Utilise recommended risk management tools (including an introduction to uses for BIM technology) to inform design decisions relating to reasonably foreseeable risks