
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Holywell Park
Loughborough University, Holywell Way, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3GR
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The 2023 annual event theme will be

Value and Skills

The 2023 MHA+ showcase is a face-to-face event and continues our focus on the ”value -added” theme from our 2022 event along with skills. The event programme is being drafted with input from a range of presenters  – and will focus on how MHA+ members and their supply chain(s) can work collaboratively to:

  • Deliver economic, environmental and social value
  • How best to build capacity and capability for  our workforce, with best practice examples of engagement, building the workforce and increasing diversity  – and
  • how to maximise this by a culture of collaboration between all MHA+ partners.

The event  programme will include opting into attending breakout sessions, chaired by content experts, including

  • engaging with young people
  • growing our own
  • diversifying the workforce
  • adding value through digital working
  • adding value through carbon reduction
  • adding social value

All our MHA+ framework suppliers will be hosting a market place  – which will provide event participants with an opportunity to network and meet our MHA+ framework and delivery managers

If you do not have a MHA+ lms account and want to attend this event: click on the link below


If you already have a MHA+ lms username and password – click here to login to your MHA+ lms event record

click the Events tab and then the Available Events option – this annual event is there for you to book your attendance.

You will be provided with refreshments throughout the day

You can

  • advise on any dietary or other preferences on the learning management system by sending us a message when you book
  • view the event programme outline
  • opt for this event to be added to your Outlook calendar

Guidance on how to access the learning, training and continuing professional development gateway is available in the Learning Management System user guide. You can download a copy here

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